PASMA Training

PASMA - Prefabricated Access Suppliers' and Manufacturers Association
Duration: 1 day.
Towers for Users
This is the ‘flagship’ course available under PASMA, and is the course that most operatives will need to sit;
Course Overview
How to safely assemble, dismantle, relocate & alter a mobile access tower without risk of personal injury to the delegate or others.
Course Content:
• Legislation, Regulations & Guidance affecting working at height with mobile access towers
• PASMA Code of Practice
• Product Standards EN 1004:2004
• Assembling, altering & dismantling towers incorporating current best practice for fall protection, inspection of completed mobile access towers & completion of Tower Inspection Records
• Hazards affecting the use of mobile access towers & how to avoid.
Who should attend
Personnel who will be responsible for the assembly, dismantling, alteration, moving & inspecting of mobile access towers
Assessment of Training
• Multiple-choice questions at the end of the theory as well as practical assessments.
Pre training requirements
No formal qualifications or experience are necessary, but it would be beneficial if delegates had a basic understanding of work at height issues.
Literacy & language comprehension are important requirements for any tower user. Similarly, the assembly & use of mobile access towers can be physically demanding, users should be physically fit & in good health & should, generally, not have problems with eyesight or hearing, heart disease, high blood pressure, epilepsy, fear of heights / vertigo, giddiness / difficulty with balance, impaired limb function, alcohol or drug dependence or psychiatric illness. If delegates have any problems with literacy or language comprehension, or have any doubts about their fitness to use mobile access towers, they must bring them to the attention of their employer. This need not preclude them from using mobile access towers, provided their employer conducts an assessment & is able to put into place adequate measures, to take account of any difficulties they may have.
Operators who successfully pass the course will receive a PASMA Photo-Card & Certificate.
Courses are held at least once a month at our Head office, with additional courses being added to meet demand at either of our centres, below you will find a list of open dates.
We can also deliver PASMA on site, so can run courses to suit you, on dates that you choose. To find out more, please contact us.
Other PASMA Categories
BTS can also deliver the following categories;
• Combined Towers for Users & Low Level Access
• Towers for Riggers
• Advanced – Towers on Stairs
• Towers for Managers
• Advanced – Towers with Cantilevers
• Working at Height
• Low Level Access
Please contact us to find out more.
Need to verify your PASMA Certificate? Click here to open the PASMA Card Checker.
Training Location
We deliver the course at both of our offices, Barry & Baglan, Port Talbot. We are also licensed to deliver the training at customers’ sites & have travelled around the United Kingdom & Europe to deliver this training.
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How to Book
If you would like to book a place on one of the above courses and you meet the required criteria you can Contact Us
through the number at the top of the page, or fill in the enquiry form
below (please state the course you require in the message).